Jan 18, 2022Top Tips to avoid Burn outIt's hard to believe that there may come a time when you feel uninspired, frustrated and exhausted doing what you now love. Following on...
Jan 16, 2022AffiliateBECOME AN AFFILIATE Many of you have been kind enough to recommend our courses over and over. You have honestly keep us afloat. I thought...
Jan 2, 2022Should I work for a studio or go out on my own?Teacher trainees and New Teachers are always asking me where they should place their energy when finding work. It totally depends on you...
Dec 27, 2017Fascinating FasciaSince starting a Diploma in Slings with Karin Gurtner at Anatomy Trains in Motion, I have been exploring all things fascia. And from day one
Nov 25, 2016Classical versus Contemporary PilatesSome people are concerned however as they feel that Pilates has deviated from its original state and they criticise contemporary forms of Pi